Backend changelog

v1.0.11 (2024-05-16)


  • new feature: Product attributes to retrieve option
  • new feature: Searh on filter list
  • new feature: Searh filter list text translation
  • new feature: Remove ceiling on sale percent data sync
  • new feature: Custom javascript and css input on general
  • new feature: Manual set position of search icon popup block and wishlist badge block
  • new feature: Product card custom component input on blocks

Bug Fixes

  • instant-search: Fix statistics line

v1.0.10 (2024-05-10)


  • new feature: Remove instanst search translations on instant search customizer
  • new feature: Remove general translations on general customizer
  • new feature: Enable / disable translation option
  • new feature: App translations on general
  • new feature: All localization are removed (moved to general translation)
  • new feature: Remove API Key menu
  • new feature: Installation without API key and instant search key

v1.0.9 (2024-05-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Move back script and css source to jsDelivr
  • wishlist: Can't add product with long SKU to wishlist

v1.0.8 (2024-05-02)


  • new feature: Sale percent as filter
  • new feature: Language for sort input placeholder on mobile
  • new feature: Sold product at end sort
  • new feature: Show filter only by criteria
  • new feature: Sync data with translations
  • new feature: Translations on instant search setting
  • new feature: Translations on general setting
  • new feature: New theme installation

Bug Fixes

  • Move script and css source to fastly (jsDelivr cdn isssue)

v1.0.7 (2024-04-03)


  • new feature: New Onboarding
  • new feature: New Installation Steps
  • new feature: Queued sync status
  • new feature: Wishlist icon collor
  • new feature: New contact page
  • new feature: Step by step installation

Bug Fixes

  • Product picker bug

v1.0.6 (2024-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • instant-search: Admin action url not detected

v1.0.5 (2024-03-13)


  • new feature: Admin action for Sync Products and Sync Product
  • new feature: Filter tree for collection and product type
  • new feature: Sort product by featured and best selling
  • new feature: Hide filter when zero value
  • new feature: Instant search pagination type
  • new feature: Search redirects by specific keywords
  • new feature: Flyout filter style on mobile
  • new feature: Product card customizer


  • optimization: Sync optimization

v1.0.4 (2024-01-03)

Bug Fixes

  • product-review: adjusment trust badge variant using dash format

v1.0.3 (2024-01-02)

Bug Fixes

  • product-review: adjusment snippet widget schema

v1.0.2 (2023-12-22)


  • product-recommendation: add theme customizer on recently viewed
  • product-review: add theme customizer on trust badge
  • product-review: add theme customizer on snippet widget

v1.0.1 (2023-12-07)


  • product-review: add theme customizer on happy customers page
  • product-review: add theme customizer on review sticky sidebar widget

v1.0.0 (2023-12-06)


  • new app: Product recommendation app
  • new feature: Happy customer page customizer
  • new feature: Sticky sidebar widget customizer
  • new feature: Product recommendation statistics
  • new feature: Product recommendation activity list
  • new feature: Product recommendation customizer